

If you're already logged into a Uplay account, you can click to continue and add the game into the already logged into Uplay account or click "Not you?" to add the game to another Uplay account.


  • To add the game to your Uplay account click on the 'Log in to Ubisoft' button.
  • Step 1 - Add the game to your UPlay account
  • Your game may not appear if you have not completed UBI Additional security, Go toĪccount Management - Security - (the account needs verification) - Step Verification - Activate - Choose Email and enter the code received.
  • If your attempt to login is unsuccessful ("Login Error" or "Invalid Email or Password") and you're confident the details are correct, check that your web browser isn't configured to reject third party cookies (which iPhone/iPad Safari will do by default) then try again or in another web browser.
  • To use your new Ubisoft game you need to the Uplay game client installed on your PC.
  • Please note that Uplay DLC will not add content to the base game if that base game is activated through another platform such as Steam.
  • If the Uplay account you log into already owns the content the new content will be lost.
  • You CANNOT gift Uplay keylessly activated content from one Uplay account to another - the content will be added to the Uplay account you log into during the activation process and will remain in that account.

  • Uplay